Newborn photography: when to take your photos

Hey there, new parents! Whether you’re the ultra-organized type who plans every detail or the go-with-the-flow kind who enjoys living in the moment, I’ve got you covered. Your little bundle of joy is here, safe and sound, and now you want to capture these fleeting moments forever. Newborn photography is the perfect way to do just that, giving you and your partner beautiful memories to cherish for years to come.

The Ideal Age for Newborn Photos

Why 5-18 Days Old is the Sweet Spot

The best time to schedule your newborn photography session is when your baby is between 5 and 18 days old. Here’s why:

  • Deep Sleep: During this period, babies tend to sleep a lot and more deeply, making it easier to pose them without waking them up. Those serene, peaceful shots of your baby snoozing away? This is the perfect age for capturing them.

  • Curled-Up Poses: Babies are naturally more flexible in their first couple of weeks, allowing them to curl up into those adorable, womb-like positions. This makes for some incredibly heartwarming and artistic photos.

  • Fewer Skin Issues: Newborns are less likely to have developed cradle cap, baby acne, or other skin rashes in their first two weeks. But don’t worry if these issues do arise—Photoshop can work wonders to smooth out any imperfections.

What If My Baby Is Older?

No worries if you can’t schedule your session within the first 18 days! Babies continue to be photogenic as they grow, and there are unique benefits to slightly older newborns:

  • More Alertness: As babies get older, they start to become more alert and engage more with their surroundings. They’ll hold your gaze longer, which can result in some beautiful, interactive photos that showcase their emerging personality.

  • Adorable Expressions: With increased alertness come more adorable expressions. You might catch a hint of a smile, a curious look, or those wide-eyed stares that melt your heart.

Planning Ahead: Should You Book Before the Baby Arrives?

It’s a great idea to plan your newborn session while you’re still pregnant. If you’re in your second or third trimester, we can set an “intended” date about 10 days after your due date. This helps ensure you get a slot during that ideal 5-18 day window. And don’t worry—we’ll touch base closer to the date to adjust if your baby arrives early or if you need a bit more time to recover.

Flexibility is Key

Life with a newborn is unpredictable, and that’s okay. Whether your baby is a few days old or a few weeks old, we’ll work together to capture those precious early moments in a way that feels right for you and your family. The goal is to create beautiful, lasting memories, no matter when we schedule your session.


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